Let's test your Git Fu

🥋 Let's test your Git Fu 🥋

Let's test your Git Fu

Today you can choose your own adventure

The purpose of today is to revisit the concepts of the past few days. You can decide how to approach this. This is meant to be dedicated revision time to really cement the concepts at your own pace. Choose 1 or more of the options to use as practice.

Let's test your Git Fu

Let's test your Git Fu

Option 1: Pair up with someone and work through the content of the past few days together

Review the content and run through the exercises again to make sure you really understand all the key concepts.

Let's test your Git Fu

Option 2: Complete this Introduction to Git and Version Control Course for free on Data Quest

Let's test your Git Fu

Option 3: Play the Oh My Git! Game

  • See how far you can get with this card-based game & learn some advanced git commands along the way.
  • https://ohmygit.org/
Let's test your Git Fu

Option 4: Practice and expand on your understanding of git branching

Let's test your Git Fu

Option 5: Get more comfortable with git in the terminal